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2004-08-16 :: 6:47 p.m. :: fremont troll

I have hundreds of pictures of various pieces of public art in seattle after taking this public art class this summer... this is the Fremont Troll. although mucked around with obviously. the elfish me is obviously just swiped from my kochalka rock doodle, without the guitar. I suppose its sorta "cheating" but I just needed a line drawing and a background to mess with. Trying to color like Mac Hall, but it obviously didn't really work. well, it looks alright in photoshop. but I have yet to figure out how to keep colors looking brilliant once they get get outside of photoshop. The carny-looking font is Coney Island. I want more circus fonts. Im thinking of doing a bunch of postcards kinda like this, of a bunch of random stuff in seattle, like Lenin of the Taco Del Mar.

quasi new

that was a quickie






