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2004-08-18 :: 1:00 p.m. :: nipples

so i spent all day doing work yesterday.. and all day playing today. it balances out.

so.. this just sort of happened. I tried to draw a "sexy" leggy busty superhero/astrounaut type woman at first, because I don't usually do that and thought i'd try. but it looked horribly awkward. breasts are awfly awkward things to draw. of course, they're pretty awkward things to start. so i just went back to the old 7 head rule. and ended up drawing a very typical figure* . but not too bad considering it was just using a mouse and all.. and it sorta just kept going from there.... i really want a pair of those pink boy breifs.

and i really do think nipples are weird (on guys and girls). i mean, i guess it's nice to have them should i ever bear children.. but it'd be nicer if they only showed up when they were needed. it'd be cool if they were retractable like wolverine's claws, although that would probably freak me out even more...

um. yeah. i think ill stop now.

* i always seem to draw people in this pose if i dont have a model in front of me. dunno why. i need more models.

quasi new

that was a quickie







